We gathered California Proposition endorsements from nine progressive organizations:
The progressive organizations overwhelmingly agree about the main propositions: Yes on 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, and 23. No on 20 and 22.
Progressives are divided on Stem Cell Research (Proposition 14), with most taking no stand. The NO recommendations, from the SF Pissed Off and DSA, seem to be concerned about the money and/or lack of oversight.
Progressives are also divided on the inheritance tax proposition (Proposition 19). SF Pissed Off describes it thus: "Closes a big property tax loophole and opens two small ones." They think it's worth it. DSA says the opposite -- it does more harm than good.
Progressives are almost unanimous on the Consumer Privacy proposal as well (Proposition 24). SF Pissed Off describes it as "Phony consumer data privacy." None of the groups said YES, but three groups did not make a recommendation.
Progressives are the most divided on Proposition 25, which would end money bail. SF Pissed Off says it would "Replace money bail with something even worse." DSA notes that the ACLU and public defenders have withdrawn their support.
But Courage California says it will be an improvement, noting:
Algorithm-based risk-assessment tools will be used as the core component of the new pretrial incarceration system in all California counties. There are concerns about how inherent biases in the system could influence the implementation of these tools. There are two notable countermeasures in place to address these concerns...
There are also concerns that judicial discretion is greatly expanded by SB 10. While this is technically true, there are two additional changes to the judicial role in the pretrial system that limit judicial discretion...
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